TITLE>Internet Marketing

Friday, February 19, 2010

Podcast Strategies of Internet Marketing (Cantonese version)

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Pod cast:

Good evening dear listeners, I am Rachel. The topic that I would like to discuss today is about “Strategies of Internet Marketing”.

Do you know that starting a business through Internet Marketing is not easy?
- There are some procedures that you have to follow and one of them is read through articles which are related to what you going to do. Reading articles is not the only way, there are questions which you have to ask yourself and make a clear mind and very sure of your answer.

The first question will be – Who are your customers?
- This means who are your preferably customers for the product that you are offering or selling and who are your special customers.

The second question is – What are you offering?
- This refers to what you want to sell to your customers. You have to explain your product well so that your customers know what you are selling so that they get the point and will not confuse.

After asking yourself these 2 questions, you have to know what kind of strategies you are aiming. There will be 4 strategies that I am going to discuss.

The first will be online research.
What comes to your mind after you see the word online?
- It will be internet. You have to do some research through internet where it is a place which you can get a lot of information.
What kind of information are you going for?
- Of course regarding the product which you are going to promote. Besides, do some research about your competitors?
Do you know what you need to research about them?
- You have to know who are they, what they are doing about their products and how are they doing it. This is a way to search for their weaknesses and from there you can grab what they are capable of and from their weaknesses, repair it.

The second step that you need to do is data analysis.
Do you do this very often or do you know what you should do here?
- You have to gather all the information and summarize it with all the important information. This is to prevent you to get confuse and get everything straight to the point.

The third step is strategy development.
This is a planning role. How often do you plan before doing something?
- Before starting a business through internet, always plan what you will be starting with. Plan well so that everything goes well.

Plan well then start your business.
The fourth step is to monitor your business or your performance through the process of selling. This is a way to search for how and what you need to improve in.

战略 = Strategies
网络营销 = Internet Marketing
战略发展 = Strategy Development
规划中的作用 = Planning Role

-Rachel Kok-


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