TITLE>Internet Marketing

Friday, March 5, 2010

The major DON"Ts of SEO

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Do you know what is SEO?
Here, let me tell you more about SEO as this major post is all regarding SEO.
SEO is known as Search Engine Optimization, it is considered as a more technical part of Internet Marketing. SEO is part of a place which helps in the promotion of sites, at the same time it requires technical knowledge as part of the internet family which needs familiarity of the basics HTML. SEO is a place where users can go on with their activity and optimize the web pages in order to make the search engine friendly and get a higher positions in search results.

From the above paragragh you roughly get to know what SEO is and what is it all about. Here is the important which we would like to share with you. The major DON'Ts of SEO.
We must avoid from creating problems and mistakes so that we can carry on with a genius and perform well in the world of search engine optimization.

1. We mustn't leave the SEO website opened too long because when you start your own website development, you must know and think well what are you SEO strategies as it is the most important part which needs to be thought from the start.

2. We must make out website crawl-able. You must always make sure your website can be crawled by one of the search engine which is known as search engine spiders. If your website is not crawled, the search engine can't detect you.

3. We shouldn't waste our time submitting our website to all the search engines as it waste a lot of time and procedure to be done. A type of search engine which is crawler based search engine will find you website very quickly as it is part of their job to do so.

4. Try to use keywords which are special and not too general because when crawlers detect you, they save you by your keywords. This is being used when users of search engine do research and there the websites will be shown and it depends on the importance and keywords of your website.

5. Usability is part of the main maintenance of your website. Users will rank your website whether it is user-friendly enough. If users will think so, search engine will think about this issue too. They need efficient for the users to user so that users get to enjoy the user-friendly usability.

6. Content is the most important for your website. Try to think of this way, what is user looking for while they are doing research? Of course reliable and useful content. As well that it is a way for search engine to note your keywords through the content that you are posting. So this is why creating good content can be a good spot for all.

7. We must have patience once started an SEO. Although it takes quite sometime to progress, but it takes a lot of time to do the processing of an SEO. Attention is needed most to look up and update yourself on the progress of it.

This is the don'ts of SEO. What do you readers think? Are these content relevant and well to be understand?

Source of reference: SEO success, what not to do from Internet Marketing Forum.net, Retrieved 5th March 2010,
URL - http://www.internetmarketingforums.net/seo-link-development-directories/15115-search-engine-optimization-success-what-not-do.html

-Rachel Kok-


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