TITLE>Internet Marketing

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seventh Poll Result

Link to us: http://sn.im/uvhf4


With our previous poll question to carry out a survey that we had asked "which of the following online advertising company have you heard off?" And we had obtained our poll result after one week of accumulation.

As you can see from the pie chart above, we had given 5 choices for the readers to select their answer specifically. But, with the result that is shown, is pretty obvious that out of 5 advertising company, only 3 of them are voted known by our readers.

From here, Google Adsense had the highest market share or known compare to the other advertising company. Which 50% is the statistical result of what our readers had chosen among the other advertising company. What can be said is that, not surprise that Google Adsense were better known among our readers because blogger itself has the monetize function and connection with Google Adsense. Where bloggers can just right away register as a Google member from blogger itself.

On the other hand, another two advertising company that has the same percentage of results from the poll were Nuffnang, and Chitika. Nuffnang can consider started not too long ago. It was established in the year of 2006. But it is a successful advertising company in Asia pacific where it was the first advertising company that established and leading in Asia Pacific. While Chitika was founded in the year of 2003.

People who blog these days do sign-up with different existing advertising company. Because at some point it might generate some extra income for them. But to achieve generating with outstanding amount of cash, one's blog or website has to be extra-ordinary and also has high traffic that is stationary.

With online advertising company today, some lucky people out there are earning four to five digits in just a month these days.

Last but not least, we had obtained from our readers that, none of them that participates on our poll come across to know about Advertlets and Abrites advertising company. Perhaps is just among our readers? Or shall both of this company starts to build their awareness even more frequently?


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