TITLE>Internet Marketing

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fifth poll result

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According to our previous poll question that we had asked to our readers, which marketing strategies do you prefer to use most? And we got our final result from our participants of polls.

Now according to the pie chart above, there is quite a huge number or percentage of participants answer that they would choose social networking as the marketing strategies that they preferred. Which 66.7 percent is the specific statistical result of what social networking is being choose rather than the four other choices.

As we believe that, most people who starts of building their network for any occasion like an example which is internet marketing related, the strategies they would probably practice is by social networking which is a social structure of a few individuals or organisation building up their relationship. Just like a blog-shop, social networking is the most often seen internet marketing strategies that we can see these days to increase their traffic.

On the other hand, blogging and also press release submitting is also the other two types of internet social networking that the poll voters prefer to use. As you can see, two of this internet marketing strategies stands 16.7 percent each out of 100 percent each equally for the final result from the voters. I guess blogging will be one of the potential internet marketing strategies that will increase in percentage of people using in the future.

Looking from the pie chart above, we had obtained from our readers that none of them prefer article writing and others as their internet marketing strategies. So the conclusion from our readers choice of internet marketing strategies is by social networking, blogging, and last but not least press release submitting.


Rachel Kok said...


Thank you for your compliment. Nice to hear from you too and we would like to know more about your company. You can contact us through our email address which is rachelkjh@hotmail.com. We would like to hear from you soon.

(Author of www.on9-marketing.blogspot.com)

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