TITLE>Internet Marketing

Saturday, February 27, 2010

4 Internet Marketing Twitter Don'ts

As a user of Twitter, have you ever wonder what you should avoid while twitting?
I assume you should be wondering what will the answers be.
Think deeply what are the DO and DON'T for a Twitter user just for the purpose of INTERNET MARKETING.
Although you can earn money through all social networking sites, but Twitter is still a famous way of doing it. Look at the picture below.

Here comes the explanation what you shouldn't twit for Internet Marketing:

1. Don't twit every little thing about yourself. You should be wondering why. People wouldn't know or remember what are you doing or going through for what you have twit. Except, or maybe your closest friends who really care about you reads and remember every bit of it. Think it in another way, one of your friend twits every single details what had happened. Will you really care about it? It will be a boring notice for them or a conversation for them talking about you and your little happenings.

Think about your future too. What if you twits something wrong? The server just saved every single detail you wrote and there is no way you can delete it from the server right? There is always a copy which you can buy from the server but never get deleted. What if you future boss wants to know more about you and they search for what you've did through the internet. Things will never be the same. As you see below, Twitter is the top 50 entrepreneurs, which means Twitter is a way to connect to anyone and it is very well known among business people.

2. Don't just twit affiliate links. If you're trying to start a business through social networking sites, don't use affiliate links. As in don't post the link where users can buy the product from. People will think you as a spammer who is trying to introduce some product.

Try another way which is post some information regarding the product that you're selling, then introduce your product and the price etc. This is a way users wouldn't get confuse or interrupt by other affiliate links.

3. Don't use product image as your avatar or profile picture. This is a bad step if you do so, people will be wondering. What if you are selling more than one product? People will think what are you trying to sell and who are you. Usually users wants to confirm who the seller is and put some interest and trust on them before doing a trading.

4. Don't curse. This is part of a language which users love to use to express themselves. Think of the consequences if you do so. People will lost interest towards you. Although there are people who wants to buy your product, but they will think twice before doing so because they have uncertainty in their mind.

Dear readers, what do you think after reading these FOUR DON'T? Wondering what is your next step? Better buck up while twitting and know well the DON'T.
Any DON'T which you would like to tell us? Please do comment.
You have to stay in mind that Twitter is a place where anyone can follow your account. By just clicking the following words:


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