TITLE>Internet Marketing

Friday, January 29, 2010

Strategies of Internet Marketing

There is an article which is really useful for those who wants to start up their business through internet. Basically there are TWO questions which you have ask yourself.
1. Who is your customer?
- means who is your special customer and who is looking for you. You have to know what is your customer needs.
2. What is your offer?
- means what are you offering your customer and what you plan to sell and promote through internet marketing. You must elaborate well so that your customer understand so that they will approach you.

As we know that there are people buying online every single day. You as the seller should know what is best for the consumers and do enough research to expand your business so that we look outstanding. Or else business goes low and consumers reaching out for others, who are you going to blame on?

Well, there are FOUR strategies which can help you on starting an online business.


1. Online research
- What do you need to do from here? You need to do research regarding your competitors and know well how they expand their business and how did they did such great jobs. As in who are you main competitors. Research more on what ways are they using and their weaknesses so that you can beat up and come up with more relevant ideas.

2. Data Analysis
- After research, here come the second part which you have to analyse the data so that you will not be confuse for what you have been searching for. As through the first phase which is online research, you will be researching about your competitors, here you will be seperating the main strenghts and weakness of your competitors.

3. Strategy Development
- After knowing who is your target market and competitors, there you are able to start creating you marketing strategy. Understand your product well first then think who are your target audience whom will be interesting towards your product. Here it involves some planning where you need to do some brainstorming as what kind of methods you will be using and which you can and can't afford.

4. Monitoring performance
- After planning your marketing strategies, this is when you start you online business and monitor how things goes. Watch well so that you will not runaway from where you began with.

To all readers, what do you think about these strategies?
This may not help much, but still it is a way which can help you from all circumstances.
For more information on "Strategies of Internet Marketing", you can visit the url below.

Source of reference: Learn the Ultimate Internet Marketing Strategy from Free Marketing Zone, Retrieved 29th January 2010, Url - http://www.freemarketingzone.com/

-Rachel Kok-

Monday, January 25, 2010

Advantages of Internet Marketing

If you had the intention of starting a business, why should you consider to tryout internet marketing. As it means the ability to market your product of services on and through the internet. Simple as there are nothing to lose but advantages of internet marketing.

First of all, in today's world, having the internet accessibility is something that are conventional and to be found in almost every household. And so, by marketing your services on the internet are likely to be a wise choice since it is so convenient and it is for free or at a low cost will only be needed.

Secondly, services are not just the only type can be market through internet marketing. It has the ability to sell anything online at the same time. Highly productive goods, household goods, or even personally customize artwork can also be in the category too.

Thirdly, the favourite part of all people which is payment can be collected online with just a simple transactions. Some famous online payment method are using paypal, credit card, online banking(transferring), etc.

For more advantages on internet marketing, you may read it at:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

History of Internet posting

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Spending on Internet advertising in 1996 totaled $301 million in the U.S. While significant compared to the zero dollars spent in 1994, the figure paled in comparison to the $175 billion spent on traditional advertising as a whole that year. As the number of Internet surfers continued to rise, however, interest in the Internet as a mass-media vehicle increased. Online advertising grew to an industry worth nearly $1 billion in 1997. The Internet became increasingly popular in the late 1990s, and the viability of the Internet as a marketing medium emerged as more than mere speculation. Millions of surfers logged on to the Web each day, and many businesses were determined to reach this new audience. Web sites emerged for companies in nearly every industry, ranging from household cleaning products and cosmetics to electronics and automobiles. At the same time, many firms realized that simply creating a Web site wasn't enough to create a solid Internet presence; they also needed to drive traffic either to their sites or to their specific advertisements

Read more: Internet Marketing - History Of Internet Marketing, Internet Marketing In The Twenty-first Century



Saturday, January 23, 2010

First poll result

Link to us: http://snipr.com/u6fyv


The week 1 poll questions, do you think that Internet Marketing is very important nowadays?
Through the first post of our blog "Internet Marketing", we have mention and explain the difference of Traditional Marketing and Internet Marketing.

As we can see from the above chart, there is 52% of the readers whom feel and think that Internet Marketing is very important to us.
From my own opinion, as I can see that there are a lot of online business which the public use it as a way to interact with the people all around the world and let the public know the existence of the product and make comparison for what they have seen.

However, there is only 4% of the readers who thinks that it is not important because they may think it is a waste of time to build time in front of the computer. They may choose facing the public from face-to-face rather than just typing words and uploading some videos, creating websites, or putting some narration to attract the public to know about the product.

As for that, there is always answer for "maybe" which stands 44% over 100%. Some readers use two types of marketing as they feel both is rather important towards us as both ways, traditional marketing and internet marketing, are still a way to connect to the public.

What do you, dearly readers think? Which way is rather appropriate and important to you to connect to the world and get to know everything?

-Rachel Kok-

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tips of advertising in Internet Marketing

Link to us: http://snipr.com/u6g5r

Before i share the tips and guidelines of advertising method,

allow me to begin with some blog related writing..

Are you familiar with having friends or family that are committing themselves to a blog site or domain of their own?

Ever think of how people these days were so addicted and have themselves the motivation of keep updating their personal blog site for every now and then?

Now, part of the reason that the society today makes blogging their daily routine is partly because they actually tries or wants to make a part-time living by just blogging.

Indirectly speaking, with internet marketing, everyone including you and i can make some extra income out of it.

Whether that you are just blogging about your personal journal, selling things online as people usually call it a blog-shop, or even just having the passion of writing some interesting news or depending on one's creativity,

It somehow still helps to generate some credit that you are more familiar with ~

And to actually group yourself in the success or failure of your business or your websites

it is mainly or highly to say depends on a very important area.

Are you still with me?

Yes, the one and very important area is the ability of attracting visitors to your website which will indirectly helps you in generating cash from the number of visitors.

But, of course I will highly say that there is no easy way to get to the above attention,

Marketing plan will definitely needs to get it right to enable to start with the correct path and achieving the best out of it.

Here are some guidelines and tips to start earning with a list of advertising methods.

Blogging This is a highly recommended to those that are more of personal usage to share information or as I mentioned above to make it a blog-shop website as it does not cost a single cent to start off and publish your blog for free. Clear as it is, a free marketing strategy is to describe.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) SEO works as an art of making a website to work better with search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN(BING) and ASK. This means that, in order to be highly recommended at the very first page or position when users of the search engine is finding any of their needed and related source towards a topic, your plan should be in a tip top recommendation. As it will be helps in appearing at the top of the search result list and therefore higher chances of being clicked to your website. Precisely, to strengthen a website or helps in generating the frequency of being visited can also be done by trading links placement with partners or purchase a slot at others website to place our own web link.

Article Marketing This has a little of similarities with blogging. But the differences are that it is mainly or highly focus on a specific narrowed topic. As in, for an example, if I have a website that provides or post write about entertainment. It will then be purely entertainment related information of post article only. And because it caught their liking of it provides latest entertainment news or updates, it becomes a permanent source for the readers who loves to keep themselves updated. Eventually it creates a higher percentage of being followed or subscribed that will somehow create a permanent source of traffic.

Email Marketing Listing down a prospect email list which will be the first step. And follow by creating a free offer (which should be ethical) or maybe a “must have a look” attraction to give your website visitors in exchange their name and e-mail.

Before ending, from my personal perception is that, having a good plan with internet advertising is really essential

in terms for personal website or a company to reach out to the next level.

By choosing wisely a method of Internet marketing, it will brings you benefits as in being more specific in targeting

and it has the possibilities of getting you more potential visitors, customers or even just readers for quality and

reach the objective or success.

What is Internet Marketing as You all May wonder

Internet Marketing is the marketing of products and services using the Internet as its medium. Lower costs of dissemination of information and a global audience are its main advantages,which are widely used in businesses today.

A lot of established companies today apply this marketing strategy by using internet spaces to adopt web marketing strategy. Internet marketing helps add potential customers and the number of quality leads to your website as well. In fact, most organizations can adopt Internet marketing and advertising strategies to generate better business.

Creative web pages and content help attract users to a particular website.
The effectiveness of marketing tools will also have to be monitored to ensure that the approach continues to be fruitful. There are a number of site optimization and email marketing tools that are available today. Careful analysis and selection of internet marketing strategies will help ensure business success.

< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-style: italic;"> http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-internet-marketing.htm>

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Traditional marketing vs Internet Marketing

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Tradiional marketing vs Internet marketing

Nowadays, almost all the business require an effective marketing strategy to get success and this would help in the long run of the business. Marketing strategies would help in the long run of the business and it is a success of any business which reaches the public.

Have you ever wonder how to build up a business or just get through a business plan with anyone whom have same interest with you?

During the olden days, elderly people used to say "ones who want to build up a business need to have a great amount of modal ." Those are what we called traditional marketing. Although traditional marketing or known as "traditional offline marketing" has always worked well, but the business online marketing is still going on well with thumbs up. The old tradtions still need some updating to keep up with the online marketing.

You just need to know how to use the computer and have a few IT geeks with you for some help out. As you can see everyone get to earn through internet, but just with different kinds of business and most of them mostly youngsters who came up with these ideas.

As we as the users can see that everything is made easy in today's world and the information about any product which public wants to search for can globe through the internet just in a click. It is much easier for public and it is a way to spread the business in the locality.

What about tradition marketing? The methods which is traditionally used by public are giving advertisement in local newspaper, television, radio channel, posters, banners and others.

Compare traditional marketing and internet marketing, traditional marketing just spread to a small medium of people. However, internet marketing can spread to the whole wide world and all the target audience.

-Rachel Kok-